Reflexology for Breast Health
According to Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia, living things are only one billionth physical matter. The rest, he says, is energy! That goes for your body as well. When it comes to breast cancer prevention and breast health, it is vital that you keep your energy, or Qi, flowing.
One way to do this is through the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice of reflexology. Reflexology is a type of acupressure or massage that focuses on the feet. The idea is that by stimulating points on the feet, one can improve the health of corresponding parts of the body, including various organs and the breasts. Reflexology has been used as a healing modality for thousands of years in Asia. Archeologists have even found evidence of its use by pharaohs in ancient Egypt.
Breast Cancer and Stagnant Qi
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, when cancer of any kind is discovered, this means that energy has been stagnating for a long time, similar to how a river may get clogged and muddy with the buildup of debris like twigs and leaves. In addition to unhealthy eating and lack of movement, a big reason why stagnation occurs is because of negative emotions that have not yet been healed.
Louis Hay, author of the best-selling book You Can Heal Your Life, presents one interpretation of this connection: “When there are problems with the breasts, it usually means we are ‘over mothering’ either a person, a place, or a thing, or an experience… If cancer is involved, then there is also deep resentment.” Other emotional blocks include lack of self-love and lack of nurturing in one’s life.
According to the Wai Ke Zhang Zong, written in the 1400s: “These [negative] emotions accumulate day by day and cause Spleen and Stomach Qi deficiency and Liver Qi stagnation. These conditions will cause the body to create a lump. When Qi or energy stagnation accumulates in the meridians over time, a small seed can progress to a cancerous mass. Then the five major organs will spiral out of balance. This problem is called breast cancer.”
Of course, this is a modern translation of the words of this ancient text as there was no such thing as the current concept of cancer back then. It is safe to say, however, that throughout history people have seen the consequences of blocked Qi. The development of “blocks in the river,” or tumors are a result.
Reflexology for Breast Cancer
The connection between points on the feet and the major organs is real and this knowledge has long been used by Chinese medicine practitioners. Holly Tse, CMP, tells a powerful story of her first introduction to both breast cancer and reflexology:
“When I was first introduced to Chinese Reflexology, my [practitioner] knew simply from massaging my breast reflexology point that I had a breast lump. While I was squirming in pain, he suddenly asked, ‘Do you have a breast lump in your right breast?’ That’s how accurately your feet can reflect your body!”
In recent studies, reflexology has shown to ease the symptoms, such as shortness of breath associated with chemotherapy and hormone treatment in women with metastasizing advanced-staged breast cancer.
The point on the feet that connects to the breasts is a rectangle-shaped area on the top of the foot that extends “from the base of your toe to slightly below your big toe knuckle.” To massage the area, Tsu suggests making a fist and using all of the knuckles to rub up and down with moderate pressure for 30-60 seconds. Massaging reflexology points that are connected to the lymph glands is beneficial as well, since the breast area contains a large number of lymph nodes.
Keeping the body systems in flow through the use of ancient Chinese medicine techniques like reflexology is a vital part of “The 7 Essentials System™” for healing the body naturally and a time-tested way to stay vibrant, vital and dis-ease free.
(Article Excerpt and Image from TheTruthAboutCancer.com), article by: Posted by: Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – See more at: http://thetruthaboutcancer.com/reflexology-for-breast-health/