Your best defense against any viral infection is a good immune system. Nutrients that are critical for your immune system to function at its best are Vitamins A, C and D. I discussed these and more in some detail in my previous emails. I also discussed how important zinc is but I want to elaborate on it now. We know zinc is a powerful anti-viral mineral but it needs to get inside the cell to be most effective. Viruses replicate and do their dirty work inside the cell so that’s where we need the zinc to eventually end up. That’s not a simple task to transport zinc past the cell wall and into the cell itself. There are two natural substances that I’m aware of that help to make that happen. Quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), an extract of green tea, help to carry the zinc you’ve consumed into the cell. I’ve been using them in conjunction with zinc acetate lozenges for myself. Also, niacin, a B vitamin, and selenium help with this process.
Melatonin and mushrooms are also part of my regimen. I’ve personally lowered my melatonin intake. Dr. Berksen had recommended taking 10 to 20 mg of time released melatonin a night. I tried 6 mg time-released but found that to be too much for me. I’ve since decreased that to 1 to 3 mg before bed. That said if I did get sick I would follow her recommendations discussed in my previous email and increase that amount dramatically.
Probiotics turn out to be a defense against respiratory viral infections. What!? You thought they were only good for your gut. Me too until I read an article from the May 2020 Life Extension Foundation magazine. They quote a double blind placebo controlled study that demonstrated a very significant decrease of 75% in the number of flu and flu like viral illnesses with the use of certain probiotics. Plus, those that did get sick had shorter durations and less severity than the control group! Pretty impressive. They add something called phages to their probiotic, Florassist, which makes it much more potent by boosting beneficial gut bacteria by an average of 30 times!
Now for some great news. Experts now believe Covid-19 is far less fatal than previously thought and far more prevalent. A study just published from Stanford demonstrated that it is about 50 times less deadly and 50 times more prevalent than previous estimates! This study and more like it are going to prove to be a game changer.
My last email quoted the CDC as saying 25% of those with the virus had no symptoms and wouldn’t develop them. Now, I’m seeing numbers that are much higher from 43% to 50% of those with the virus will never develop symptoms. The same question I asked before is why? My opinion is the answer must lie with the individual’s immune system.
Without question supplements are important but you still need plenty of restful sleep, eat nutritious food, stay hydrated, exercise, and decrease emotional stress. Eliminate harmful substances like sugar. It’s worth repeating that even small amounts of sugar significantly depress your immune system.
If you have any questions please feel free to email or call me at the office 714 633 9532.
Yours in good health,
Charles Hough, DC
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