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The Question of Soy and its Effect on Breast Cancer
Soybeans are the most widely used, least expensive, and least caloric way to get large amounts of protein with very

Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Just being a woman is the biggest of all breast cancer risk factors. There are about 190,000 new cases of

Study Says Breast Cancer Prevention Must Begin Early in Life
Every woman wants to know what she can do to lower her risk of breast cancer. Some of the factors

The Five Steps of a Breast Self-Exam
Step 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips.Here’s

Cancer Prevention Diet – Finding the Healthiest Foods
In the real world, people are busy. Not just “go to work” busy. We are busy in every single area of our
Could Eating Pineapple 3 Times a Day Promote Breast Health?
Do you have a problem with droopy and loose breasts? It is quite a normal phenomenon that occurs with age,
Feminine Hygiene Products Can Contain Cancer Causing Toxins
No one wants to discuss feminine hygiene products. Not ever. It’s usually embarrassing and the topic can make even the strongest
Is Your Gut Helping You Prevent Breast Cancer?
Your gut, which houses your digestive system, contains over a billion nerve endings. It has more surface area than your
Reflexology For Breast Health
Reflexology for Breast Health According to Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia, living things are only one billionth physical matter. The rest,
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Hi I'm Janice
Hi there, I’m Janice Salmon, chief visionary at OC Breast Wellness. We believe in empowering women with knowledge to make smarter, healthier choices in their lives.
I and a panel of specialists have made it our mission to make our followers feel better and live longer.
Welcome aboard!