One in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.
Numerous steps to prevent breast cancer are known and available, but prevention has not been embraced by American women. Consequently, early detection of breast cancer is imperative. What is today’s health-conscious woman supposed to do for regular screenings? What options are available? Which technology provides the earliest detection?
For over thirty years women have been told that an annual mammography examination is the key to long-term survival from breast cancer. Yet, after thirty years there has been no significant improvement in mortality.
Even the American Cancer Society, a staunch promoter of breast cancer screening using mammography, has expressed disappointment that its benefits have been overstated. Why?
Mammography is not capable of detecting breast cancer early, when quick action could improve long-term survival. A tumor is at least eight-years old before it can be detected by mammography. By that time, the cancer oftentimes has spread to other parts of the body. Additionally, mammography’s 70% error rate is unacceptable, and exposure to its X-Rays is reported to actually increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
Fortunately, women have a much better option than mammography. This alternative, called Breast Thermography is a non-invasive, safe and accurate procedure approved by the FDA for breast cancer screening. Breast thermography is successfully used throughout the world to detect signs of breast cancer years before the cancer is otherwise detectable – without the intense pain, errors, and exposure to harmful radiation accompanying mammography. Breast thermography has repeatedly demonstrated an average accuracy of 90%, and research shows that it can significantly improve long-term survival rates.
Some in the medical community argue that breast thermography does not detect breast cancer, but mammography does, and they are correct. But, their argument conveniently ignores mammography’s outrageous error rate, its ineffectiveness, and its potential danger. They also fail to mention that the twenty-two earliest signs of breast cancer are detectable only using thermography, and that these thermal ‘signs’ may appear several years before mammography is capable of detecting the tumor.
Just as a fever alone may foretell an impending ailment, the thermal signs on the breast may foretell the possible existence of an early tumor — years before the tumor has grown big enough to detect with mammography.
Owing to the mammography protagonists’ efforts to thwart thermography’s threat to their income, it may be difficult to find a local practitioner. But, a reputable breast thermography practitioner is worth searching for.
When it comes to screening for the earliest detection of breast cancer, women have a much better choice with safe, painless and accurate breast thermography examinations than with ineffective, painful and potentially dangerous mammography.